Whiz Kids 2003

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The WHIZ Kid program has be going on since 1991.  It is successful because of donations of the PTO and our school adopters.  It is the highlight of our year to honor these students for their outstanding academic achievement. 

WHIZ Kids begins with sophomores because 9th graders have to be in school one semester to receive WHIZ Kid Awards.  Awards are figured on grades made the second semester of the previous year.  To receive a white shirt, students must have a 2.0 - 2.9 GPA at the end of the previous year.  Red shirts are given to students who have a B average at the end of the previous year and blue shirts for those who make straight A's (4.0 GPA) at the end of the previous year.  Students can lose their award if they are suspended during the previous year of school or have a D or F for a final grade.  Fifty-three percent of the sophomore class, 72% of the junior class, and 52% of the senior class received shirts this year.

Juniors also qualify for windbreakers.  Red windbreakers go to those students with all A's and B's for final grades in the 9th and 10th grades.  Blue windbreakers go to those students who made straight A's for 2 years.  One-third of the class received windbreakers this year.

Seniors with a 3.6 GPA over 3 years of high school receive watches.  This year, we have 4 students who qualify, more than any other year.  The highest WHIZ Kids award is an academic jacket which requires students to maintain a 3.85 GPA for three years of high school.  Five students, all of which have a 4.0 GPA, receive academic jackets this year.


Sophomores - White shirts

Justin, Lindsay, Jarvis, Nikki

Sophomores - Red shirts

Ashley, Kasey, Nikki, Jessie, Aimee, Jessie, Brittany, Dusty, Heather, Patrick, Josh, Joey (not shown)

Sophomores - Blue shirts

Brooke, Fabian, Brandi, Tiffany

Juniors - White shirts


Juniors - Red shirts

Courtney, Mandi, Dan, Jesse, Julia, Max, Amy, Brandon, Rachel, Heath, Tony, Maurico, Heath, Brandon

Juniors - Blue shirts

Clay, Kelly, Kara, LeeAnn, Ginger, Keshia, Joshua, Brent

Juniors - red jackets

Julia, Ginger, Jesse, Brandon, Courtney

Juniors - Blue jackets

Clay, Kara, LeeAnn, Kelly, Joshua

Seniors - White shirts

Lindsay & Joey

Seniors - Red shirts

Amanda, Tara, Emily, Steven, Cassidy, Leann, Viola, Cody, Derrick

Seniors - Blue shirts

Jada, Kimberly, Christina, Charles, Melissa, Heather

Seniors - Watch

Derrick, Steven, Melissa, Amanda

Seniors - Academic jackets

Charles, Jada, Kimberly, Christina, Heather