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What is Business Computer Applications?Business Computer Applications is a course design to acquaint you with basic applications and documents used in the business world. What will we learn?In this class we will learn how to do various applications (word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation graphics, Internet). We will use Microsoft Office XP and Windows XP. Much of what you learn in this class you will use in many of your college classes. If you choose not to go to college, this class will prepare you for many entry-level administrative jobs. It will also prepare you to take the MOUS certification tests if you choose to do so. What will we cover?Microsoft Office XP - Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook Where will my grades come from?We will some written tests and lab tests, but most of your grades will come from documents you produce. There may be some homework assignments, but most of the work will be done in class. What happens if I am absent?Please try not to miss class. We move very quickly and one day out can put you way behind. I do not have time to reteach if you miss, so you will be required to get any notes from a fellow student. Be sure to see me to find out if you missed any written assignments. Computer assignments will probably not be made up because of lack of time, but they will not count against you. You will have one day for each day you miss to make up work. After that you will receive a 0 on that assignment. REMEMBER, you must come to me to find out what you need to make up. What do I need for this class?Notebook and pen or pencil What is expected of me?This is a business class and your behavior should model that found in the business environment. You need to be sure you come to class on time, ready to begin work. Bring everything you need with you. I will not allow you to go back to your locker after the tardy bell rings. I expect you to be responsible for yourself and your things and to keep your hands off what is not yours. I also expect you to do the best you can on all assignments. |
Questions or comments, contact . Last updated 08/11/03. |