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By using the new Union Parish School District logo in any way, you agree to adhere to the terms in the below linked policy document, 'New Logo Guidelines - Revision 3'. Any questions regarding the logo or policy of using the logo, contact Lyn Kenley at the School Board Office.
New Logo Guidelines - Revision 3 May 9, 2016 (pdf)
To save logo image, right click the resolution you need and select 'save target as...' Distorting the resolution sizes below may result in an unprofessional view of the district logo. If you need a specific resolution size, contact Mike Tynes at the School Board Office.
farmers black back ground (.jpg) farmers white back ground (.jpg)
640x480 640x480
800x600 800x600
1024x768 1024x768
1280x960 1280x960
1600x1200 1600x1200
7995x5996 (high resolution) 7995x5996 (high resolution)
union black back ground (.jpg) union white back ground (.jpg)
640x466 640x466
800x583 800x583
1024x746 1024x746
1280x932 1280x932
1600x1165 1600x1165
7994x5822 (high resolution) 7994x5822 (high resolution)
union parish black back ground (.jpg) union parish white back ground (.jpg)
640x419 640x419
800x524 800x524
1024x670 1024x670
1280x838 1280x838
1600x1048 1600x1048
7995x5235 (high resolution) 7995x5235 (high resolution)