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District Wellness Plan
Food Allergies/ Special Diets
Diet Prescription Form for Meals
USDA Food & Nutrition Service
School Nutrition Association
Create Healthy, Active Celebrations
Children's Health Fund
MCS Support

Child Nutrition Supervisor
Mr. Scotty Ferguson

Our Mission
To provide access to nutritious meals in a customer friendly environment; support all students and educators' ability to achieve academic excellence, while forming healthy life long eating habits.

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

  Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 provides an alternative to household applications for free and reduced price meals offers all students free meals in high poverty LEAs and schools.

The intent of CEP is to improve access to free school meals in eligible high poverty LEAs and schools to eliminate administrative burden of collecting household applications.


Do you have suggestions for our Lunch Meal Program -