LABE's Spring Conference 2004 was very successful in content and attendance, with a full day of activities and speakers for the membership. "Piecing Technology In the Classroom" was planned by our Vice President, Pat Miers. Morning speakers Henri Quereaux, Dr. Paula Harvey, and Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) representatives Stacy Deshotel, Arnita Alexandria, Deborah Joffrion, and Kimberly Evans spoke on "Certifying in Technology," "Are you still a black-rotary-dial in a touch-tone world?" and "IAAP—The Pathway to Your Student's Career Success," respectively. The afternoon was filled with workshops on Microsoft Publisher, Front Page, Power Point, Quickbooks, Blackboard and program updates from the secondary and post secondary levels. A questionnaire was given to get suggestions for workshops for the summer meeting held in conjunction with LACTE. The following is a summary of the responses.
Additional space for computer workshops is an added expense to the conference, are you willing to pay a little more for registration for the conference? Yes__16___ No__0___ |
Last updated May 20, 2004 |