August 2016
2017 Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist Misty Savage
Louisiana State Teacher of the Year started with 187 teachers in the state that were selected by the districts/systems. Now, there are 24 Semi-Finalists: 8 elementary, 8 middle, and 8 high school teachers. The final results will be announced in Baton Rouge on July 15 at the 10th Annual Cecil J Picard Educator Excellence Symposium.
Name: Melissa “Misty” SavageFrom: Choudrant, LADegrees:Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Education, Louisiana Tech UniversityMaster of Arts, Counseling and Guidance, Louisiana Tech University
Experience teaching: 17 years, of which the past 4 were in Union Parish at UPHS.Purpose of coming to Union Parish High School: Start the Dual Enrollment Program through Louisiana Tech University.
Subjects taught at UPHS: Dual Enrollment College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Psychology. She is teaching a section of Honors Algebra 2 this semester and has taught ACT Prep.
Also, she serves as the Dual Enrollment Coordinator for the school. The first year, UPHS started the DE program with only College Algebra and Trig with 20 students. This year, which is the fourth year, UPHS has a total of 8 DE courses taught by 4 teachers with over 60 students involved.
Misty's Comment: I am very blessed and honored to represent Union Parish, and I am extremely thankful for my amazing students!